Saturday, 14 September 2013

Liebster Award

Hi so first. thank you to KiwiKlash for nominating us and the link is right here...

The Rules:
1.Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link them back
2. Answer 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have under 200 followers and think of 11 questions for them.

Question we received:

1. Do you have a lucky charm/ item?
T: I got a heart locket from my boyfriend and I love it.
E: I wear an MCR wristband most of time, but I don't know if i'd view it as a lucky charm but its the closest thing I've got.

 2. What's your favorite Pokemon?
T: Pikachu :D
E: Growlithe. He looks like my dog..

 3. What is a movie you could watch 10 times in a row?
T: I don't actually know...
E: Probably dirty dancing...

 4. If you won an all expense paid vacation where would you go?
T&E: We'd go to the USA or Australia.

5. Favorite blogger?
T&E: Zoella. Definitely.

 6. What are some of your future aspirations?
E: Well I was hoping to be the prime minister at the age of 18, and then a Wimbledon standard tennis player. Oh and also hoping to be the queen as well.
T: I just want to take over the world really.
(We are being ironic... not that these would be bad) 

7. Your favorite color?
E: Turquoise..
T: Green.. Because of green skittles.  

8. How long have you been a blogger?
T&E: Sometime in the summer holiday.

9.What is your favorite holiday?
E: I love the summer holidays.
T: Me too.. my birthday's in them :)

10. Looking forward to anything this fall?
E: Going to see Paramore! Woo!
T: No... I don't have a life.

11. Do you play any instruments? And if so, for how long?
T: I play the clarinet and have for 6 years. It's quite a big part of my life.
E: I played the flute for 3 years, and I'm currently learning how to play the guitar.

Here are my nominees:
  • Lacy not Racy
  • living the cliche.
  • So little to do, so much time...
  • The apricot's blog
  • Saida Cane
  • The Fashion Diaries Of Madeleine
  • Higher&Haya
  • keiko lynn
  • Stylishly Sierra
  • The Other Emm
  • Coral Crossing
These are your questions:
  1. Favourite band/artist?
  2. Would you rather be sexually attracted to a strawberry or have to sleep in butter every night?
  3. What is your life's perfect scenario? (Proposal, award etc.)
  4. If you had to dye your hair, what colour would you dye it?
  5. If someone was to play you in a movie, who would you want it to be?
  6. If someone was to write a song about you, what would you want it to be about?
  7. If you were to do something for charity, what charity would it be for?
  8. Favourite tv series?
  9. Dog or cat?
  10. If you could enter any contest in the world, what would it be?
  11. Youtube or TV?

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Summer Holiday in Tavira, Portugal.

This year I visited Tavira in Portugal for my summer holiday. I went with my mum, stepdad, sister, auntie, uncle and my cousins. We rented out a huge villa in the hills, which had it's own private swimming pool, hot tub and golf course! (Not that I used the golf course much -__-)

 My Mum, Stepdad and Sister, outside of our villa.

One day we visited a theme park, where there were not only rollercoasters but water rides as well! The picture above is of my sister, uncle, stepdad and cousin on a ride that I refused to go on. The empty seat is where my mum first sat on the ride but as it started she made them stop it so she could get off.... they weren't very happy.

Below is the view from the road of our villa.

The town of Tavira is absolutely stunning, it has some beautiful shops and restaurants along with Portuguese market stalls and stands which make a brilliant atmosphere in the evenings. There actually is no beach in Tavira however just off of the coast there is an island where you can get a boat to. There is a lovely beach on this island with more shops and restaurants.

This was my second time to Tavira, and I would certainly consider going again. It's really a lovely Portuguese town, with amazing atmospheres and sights.

T xx